Monday 10 October 2016

The Parallel Museum Pt1 - British Museum

This project was about observation, memory and imagination. The task was to produce a series of drawings some by memory, some observationally and in different styles using different media.

For the first task, I spent some time looking around the museum then left and tried to draw as much as I can from my memory. I'm used to drawing quite realistically and usually put 80% of my focus on to the object I'm studying observationally. To draw purely from memory, was extremely challenging but it was also fun going back in to the museum and comparing my drawings to the actual objects.

The next task was to draw at least 6 things in the museum from observation and to draw one room. Here I tried to experiment with coloured pencils and attempted to draw some really small sculptures that I wouldn't usually notice in the museum.

I definitely prefer the first task and its outcomes. I feel that the drawings I've come up with are unique as they're from my memory.

The next task was a homework task. I created 4 imagined sculptures inspired by the British Museum. The sculptures had to have a title, a description and had to be from an alternative past or a parallel universe. I found this task quite challenging at the beginning because I wasn't sure about how I'd write explanations about my drawings but I really enjoyed creating them.

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