Sunday 4 February 2018

UNIT 8 - Storytelling Primer

This new project is all about South London. The primer work was to go to an area in South London for a few hours 3 different times and take notes/photos etc of patterns you find.
Also there were links to various websites with information on South London that I researched and took notes from.

I went to Waterloo first which was a bad idea because you don't really get a sense of community in an area like that. I was mostly near the station so it was just a typical London day with crowds of people looking pissed off going in and out of the underground - Something you'll find at every station in London. I decided to then go near the Hayward gallery to find a cafe or somewhere more small/intimate where maybe I could find something better.
I went to the Understudy bar and took some notes. Mostly it was just a few people on laptops drinking coffee.

I also took some notes in Camden a day after because I had a bad cold and didn't want to travel far but still wanted to be half productive.
Finally, I went to the Old Dispensary pub near uni and the Costa there too. I think these two places were the most useful. I spent a fair amount of time in both places and started to notice familiar faces in the pub, a pattern of what kind of people come in to Costa depending on the time.

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