Saturday 3 March 2018

UNIT 8 - Storytelling - Making The Story

I decided to keep my puzzle book quite simple and humerous. The main patterns I saw while doing my primer was mostly at the Old Dispensary pub in Peckham. There was an old bloke drinking beer, ordering drinks, talking about various things like tattoo regrets when he was younger. I was lucky enough to see him for two days in a row and listen to some of his conversations which helped me to come up with a funny 'day in the life of' kind of story.
I named the man Paul and decided to make a booklet with around 6 puzzles about Pauls day to day life.

I started by sketching out a Paul character mostly made up in my mind but also inspired by the real old man at the pub.

I then scanned this in and started to play around with ideas for the front page and the name of the puzzle book.
This is the blank back page and the front page of the puzzle so far.

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