Wednesday 21 September 2016

Examples of Illustration, Design and Art made by people from Turkey

Nuri Kuzucan

I really love the way Kuzucan uses space in his interior designs. His work isn't perfectly symmetrical, but instead is designed in a distorted structure. His designs look like they've been created on a computer as oppose to acrylic paints which is what amazed me the most.

Vahap Avsar

Avsars work is very controversial  as it examines religion/politics. I found the two pieces of work below the most interesting. They're net sculptures of people praying in a mosque.
The clash between Turks and Kurds still continue today so the artist has combined the words 'TURK' and 'KURT' together to make one.

Hussein Chalayan

A cross between art and fashion design, Chalayans 'burka' work sends a really strong message regarding modesty, femininity and identity. In todays society, the burka has been quite a controversial topic where some see it as modesty and some as oppression. This particular series interested me as it challenges these ideas.

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