Saturday 8 October 2016

Orientation - Brick Lane / Spitalfields

This was my first project at uni and it was a group project. We were all given an area in London and a list of places to visit. Our groups location was 'Brick Lane/Spitalfields'. We had to draw, take photos and collect items from the places we visited.
I found this quite challenging as I wasn't sure exactly what I was supposed to draw. It was the first time I was drawing on location with people that I had newly met so I was quite confused.


Spitalfields market

Cafe 1001

Stolenspace Gallery

Whitechapel Gallery

Unto This Last

Tatty Devine

Brick Lane


Sketchbook etc


I ended up really enjoying this project even thought I went to Spitalfields around 3 times to try and visit each area whilst still being motivated and spending enough time in each.
I particularly liked the 'Unto this last' furniture shop. They allowed me in to the back room workshop to see how the furniture pieces were being made which was really interesting.

I particularly liked the graffiti drawings and found that there were many different methods of drawing I could experiment with as there was so much going on in the area. Brick Lane was the perfect area for me to loosen up and not be too worried or controlled with my drawings. I really noticed that the more I drew, the less limited I felt. 

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