Saturday 4 November 2017

Fact Film - Making the video

I started by gathering some of the clips I'd found on youtube and playing around with flashing text. I'm usually not the best with video programs but found it quite fun to click around and discover different effects and adjustments. I wanted to create a short video showing the irony of milk & cheese adverts. In the laughing cow ad, the cows are happy and laughing about this cheese product being promoted when in reality there is nothing happy or funny about this process at all - especially not for the cows. It's actually quite disturbing to make advertisements like this so I wanted to create something short but to the point and show the reality of what really goes on behind the scenes.

This is my first draft video that I'll be editing later:

I'd never made anything like this before. It took me a while to figure out how to put a video within a video and I struggled quite a bit with adding text at the right time. I am pleased with the way this turned out. It did turn out to be how I wanted it to in my head but I feel that I can add more to it to make it longer and better. I think this works with the message I'm trying to put across.

This is my final film. I learned a lot about video editing making these films. I tried to add some more effects and play around with text and transitions for this video. I also experimented with the slow motion and fast effect which I think worked well. I wanted to show a sense of irony with the happy cows in the advertisements alongside what goes on in reality.
I tried to make use of the lyrics and music from the advertisement to make my point and almost made a comparison between the happy cow and the miserable cow.

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