Tuesday 28 November 2017

Ghost post project - development

Today we started designing some ideas for our stamps by collaging bits of paper together to form ideas. I had no idea where to start and could think only of literally drawing a dinosaur for my stamp. 

I started off by collaging different coloured papers and shapes together to make some dinosaurs. I didn't give this much thought as I just wanted to focus on getting started and hoped it would lead me to better ideas.

I was not happy with these at all. Not only were these really boring & cliche, they also didn't work with the brief. I wanted my stamp to show dinosaurs living with us today and that they were genetically cloned as that was the point of the brief.
I then started to experiment with collaging DNA and cells but couldn't think of how I'd link them with the dinosaurs without crowding the design. I thought of drawing small dinosaurs in hatching eggs on conveyor belts but thought this would only make the design more complicated.

Looking back at my initial collages, I thought it'd be a good idea to have an ongoing colour scheme for a few more designs. I wanted my final stamp to be to the point and not intricately detailed so I went with my first simple dinosaur collages and added some modern details to make them look recent.

I'm very happy with these as a set. I'd like to develop them further and play around with the colour schemes and designs on illustrator.

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