Saturday 31 December 2016

Subject Object Primer - Christmas Holiday Work

Over the Christmas holidays we were asked to do a series of drawings related to 'our world'. I made some drawings of the objects around me, my friends and relationships and galleries I visited etc using a variety of different media.

When we were first given this brief, I was really excited because the task is quite self-led and I felt that there would be no limits to what I could draw. However, once I started, I didn't feel particularly inspired to draw anything around me. Maybe it was the work pile from the other projects or that I felt I needed the break, I'm not too sure.
Overall, I am pleased with the outcome of the drawings I have done (even if I couldn't do as many as I was supposed to) but I do wish we were given more of a starting point or a lead to work with.

Saturday 17 December 2016

British Museum - Maggi hambling - Touch: works on paper exhibition

The British Museum is by far my favourite museum in London. I love their collection and their exhibitions, I love the interior and love how many cultures you can learn about.

I didn't do much sketching today, only two pages in the Mexico section.

I went to the Maggi Hambling exhibition. I hadn't heard of her before but fell in love with her drawings. She draws realistically and caricatures and I particularly liked her use of line weights and mark making. 

Wednesday 7 December 2016

City as an Object - Final task - Sculpture

I'm really not very good at making 3D objects. I do enjoy it once I start and know what I'm doing but I never really like the outcome so this final task was a bit disappointing for me.
The aim was to look through all the drawings I'd produced in the previous tasks and come up with a '3D capriccio'.
After some research on materials, I decided to use wire as its something I had never used before. I found the task quite fun after all even though I had no idea where I was going with it.
I selected a few of my favourite drawings I'd drawn from buildings in a perspective and decided to make an abstract looking sculpture inspired by those sketches.

I don't love the outcome. It did take me a while to make as I had to build the base with foam board and glue gun and only had scissors to cut the wire with (not the best option). It was something new and fun to make but I'm not particularly interested in the object aesthetically.

Monday 5 December 2016

City as an Object - Southbank Centre & Waterloo

I found the next part of this project quite confusing and hard to understand. We had to 'devise a drawing based research task to complete over one day'. I didn't feel particularly inspired to draw a specific thing or in a specific way.
Before starting this project, I happened to be around the Southbank centre and similarly to the Barbican, I found many layers and interesting drawing areas in the architecture and surroundings. I decided to base my second series of drawings there.

With these drawings, I tried to be more experimental and used collage and water based colours. I also tried to add details of any writing I saw e.g bar, restaurant names.


Again, I really enjoyed doing these. I was in an area I felt comfortable and inspired in and didn't force myself to produce loads for the sake of work. I feel like I was more experimental than I usually am and overall, really like most of the outcomes.