Friday, 5 January 2018

Competition Time - Creative Conscience

For this project, I decided to go with the creative conscience open brief. The aim is to create a project to bring awareness to and solve a problem I'm passionate about.
I decided to make my work about the meat, dairy & pharmaceutical industry and how they manipulate us to make profit at the expense of citizens. I'm very passionate about nutrition and this is a very important topic thats not discussed enough. The nutrition and healthy living guidelines we've all grown up with and have followed for years are making us sicker.

I began my research by watching the 'What the Health' documentary which is about preventing and reversing chronic diseases and why health organisations are not telling us the truth.
I took some notes, then had a look at some of the U.K's health organisation websites where similar to the documentary, I found that they were recommending cancer and heart disease patients recipes with meat, dairy and eggs.

I want to create a piece of work that shows almost a time lapse of how what we consume is making us sicker and killing us.
I decided to video myself making a big drawing of people, fast food chains and a hospital all growing bigger and bigger. I started off by recording a small plan using pencil & paper.

I really enjoyed making this drawing. I'm usually terrible at drawing big and even worse at drawing in perspective but I really liked the outcome in the end. I didn't want a perfect drawing that looked amazing aesthetically but wanted to show a sense of time and growth and think that this captured that idea quite well.

Now, I've jotted down some key words and have started making small collages which I'm going to try to put together in to posters.

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